Educational Opportunity Fund
Summer employment opportunities now posted
The EOF summer funding application is now available
EOF Global Scholar Funding Application
Donate to the Educational Opportunity Fund Program EOF ALUMNI OPPORTUNITIES
AFC Operating Status: Hours of Operation from 8:30 – 4:30 pm. Please contact staff members through email. Should you need immediate assistance from an AFC staff member, please contact 973-353-3577.
The Educational Opportunity Fund Program contributes to the development of low-income students who exhibit the potential for success.
The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund was created by law in 1968 to ensure meaningful access to higher education for those who come from backgrounds of economic and educational disadvantage. The Fund assists low-income New Jersey residents who are capable and motivated but lack adequate preparation for college study. The Fund is distinctive in the comprehensiveness of its approach. To ensure the opportunity to attend college, the Fund provides supplemental financial aid to help cover college costs (such as books, fees, room and board) that are not covered by the state’s Tuition Aid Grant program. To ensure a viable opportunity to succeed and graduate, the Fund supports a wide array of campus-based outreach and support services at 28 public and 13 independent institutions.
The Fund is governed by a Board of Directors, which is appointed by the Governor. The Board sets policy, approves all necessary regulations for program operation and student eligibility, develops the annual budget request for the statewide program, and supports EOF programs at public and independent colleges and universities.
The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund contributes to the development of a college-educated public that reflects the diversity of New Jersey. In partnership with New Jersey colleges and universities, the Fund provides access to higher education and support for highly motivated students who exhibit the potential for success, but who come from families/communities disadvantaged by low income and the lack of access to the quality educational preparation necessary to attend college. EOF supports innovative educational initiatives, supplemental instruction, support services, and leadership development activities to improve the student’s chance of academic success. In concert with other sources of student financial assistance, the Fund also attempts to make college affordable for those students who find the costs of higher education an impediment to access and student persistence. (New Jersey Administrative Code, Title 9A: Higher Education, Chapter 11)
The Educational Opportunity Fund Program at Rutgers University–Newark, aligning with the campus-based mission and diversity, contributes to the development of low-income and highly motivated students who exhibit the potential for success yet lack access to the quality educational preparation necessary to attend a research university.
EOF supports: creative initiatives, support services, supplemental instruction, and leadership development activities to ensure students’ academic success. In collaboration with other funding sources, the program also assists in making college affordable for EOF students who find the costs of higher education an impediment to access and their persistence.
- EOF provides a diversity of academic student support services
- Assist with financial aid issues
- Teach the Strategies for Academic Success course for incoming first-year EOF students
- Provide opportunities for early registration and academic advisement
- Assist with issues related to summer school
- Advocate for students university wide
- Monitor student’s academic success
- Empower EOF students to pursue a college degree
- Provide a comfortable environment for EOF students
EOF History History of the Educational Opportunity Fund Program EOF Eligibility Scale Eligibility requirements for the Educational Opportunity Fund Program Admissions Information and Application To apply for admission to Rutgers UniversityEOF Part-time Funding Form For students who are registered for less than 12 credits for a semesterEOF Graduate Grant Contact Information Graduate School EOF Students enrolled in a graduate program at Rutgers University Student Support Services (SSS) Application Application for the Student Support Services Program at Rutgers University-Newark New Jersey’s EOF Program Home PageNew Jersey Administrative Code, Title 9A: Higher Education, Chapter 11 The state regulations that govern the Educational Opportunity Fund